Thursday, September 29, 2016

Hate Getting Sick? Try These Healthy Habits

Of course, nobody likes getting sick. Whether it’s the sniffles or the full-blown flu, getting sick usually ruins your day, ruins your plans, and makes you miserable. Many of us know people who seem to never get sick. While most people get two or three colds per year, some people swim through life hardly ever sneezing or picking up a box of tissues from the store. These people tend to have certain healthy habits in common. What are they? Read on:
  • They never smoke. Overall, it’s just a nasty habit that nobody should engage in. But, smoking cigarettes affects your mucus membranes making them more susceptible to viruses and other infections.  

  • They get social. The more social networks you have (real social networks, not just online), the healthier you will be. That’s the result of research that’s been done on the subject. People with six or more connections live the healthiest lives.  

  • They stay clean. The best way to get rid of a virus you’ve just picked up? Wash your hands, with soap and water. Antibacterial soap does no better job than plain old soap and water. And never touch your hands/fingers to your eyes and nose.  

  • They exercise a lot. Physical activity is a great way to boost immunity, warding off all types of colds and diseases. Aim for 45 minutes every day, five days per week. 

  • They get enough sleep. In our world today, sleep is highly underrated. Aim for between 7-9 hours every night. Those with less than seven hours are three times more susceptible to catching a bug. 

  • They get the annual flu shot. Influenza, among seniors, can be a deadly disease. Getting the flu shot will help prevent the flu entirely, or at least make the symptoms less severe. It’s also been proven to reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack, and heart failure.  

  • They laugh! Laughing is a great way to stay positive and also boost the immune system. It’s usually done in social settings and has been proven to ward off colds and disease.
Always Best Care has been in the in-home care giving industry since 1996. During that time they have helped over 25,000 seniors in both the United States and Canada. Seniors living in Birmingham who are interested in receiving information about in-home health care in Birmingham, Alabama, or other options surrounding senior care in Birmingham, Alabama, can call the Always Best Care Birmingham office at 205-874-9730 for a free consultation.

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