Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Ways to Help Your Aging Loved One Stay Active

Exercise is important for people of all ages. For seniors, regular aerobic exercise and strength training can help maintain muscle mass, balance, bone density, flexibility and more. If you have a senior family member at home, encourage them to stay active, both physically and socially.
Here are some ways to help your aging loved one stay active and engaged.
  • Create a proper exercise routine – First, create an exercise routine and that your loved one will be more likely to follow. Low-Impact exercises such as walking, jogging, swimming, yoga, and more are best for the older adults. However, you should always consult their doctor to find out whether your senior family member is fit and healthy enough to exercise daily. Their doctors will also be able to suggest the best suitable exercises according to their health.
  • Join a senior fitness club or an exercise program – You can also encourage your senior family member to join a senior fitness club or an exercise program. Apart from staying physically fit and active, your aging parent will get an opportunity to meet new people of a similar age and possibly common interests.
  • Stay socially active – In addition to regular exercise, staying socially active and engaged is also important for seniors for improved physical, mental, and emotional health. Encourage your loved one to participate in different social and cultural activities around the area to maintain an active social life. 
 However, if your aging parent lives alone and there is no one to look after their safety and needs, consider hiring professional help in the form of caregivers. An experienced care provider will look after your senior family member’s safety, their needs, and help them stay active, both physically and socially. In addition, they are able to accompany seniors during their regular exercise routine to ensure their safety.

So, if you are looking for an experienced In-Home Senior Care provider for your loved one in Birmingham, contact Always Best Care. They are a noted senior care organization that has a team of highly trained, bonded, and insured caregivers who provide the best senior care services.
For more information, call (205) 874-9730.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Why Your Aging Parent Should Not Live Alone

As people grow older, they often prefer to age in place independently and comfortably. Sadly, there comes a time when staying alone is simply not safe for older adults and recognizing that time is often a challenging task both for the caregivers and family members.

To determine the right time when your aging loved one may need help, here are some of the signs you need to look for.  
  • They suffer from frequent falls 
It is common for seniors to suffer from slips, trips or falls due to declining health or poor body balance. Sadly, falls are the most common reasons for fatal and non-fatal injuries in seniors. However, if your senior family member suffers from frequent falls and while doing daily living tasks, then it can serve as warning sign. If you notice a lot of injuries or bruises on your loved one’s body, living alone is likely no longer safe for your aging loved one.
  • Their home is always messy
Have you recently visited your aging parent? Do you find their home messy and uncared for? As seniors age, they find it difficult to manage their daily living activities, including the cleaning, sweeping, and basic household errands. Home maintenance and cleanliness often becomes a challenging task for them. Unhygienic and unpleasant environments can put your aging parent at risk of several different health problems.
  •  They are losing weight
Sudden weight loss can be a warning sign for seniors. If your aging loved one is experiencing weight loss, it is a sign that they need help. Consider hiring an in-home caregiver for your aging loved one or move them to an Assisted Living facility to ensure their safety.

However, older adults may not prefer to leave their home for an entirely new place. If this is the case, hiring an in-home care provider can be the ideal option. A professional caregiver will not only look after your aging loved one’s safety, but also ensure that all their needs are met on time.

If you are looking for an In-Home Care Provider In Birmingham, Alabama, contact senior care organizations like Always Best Care.

For more information, call (205) 874-9730.