Monday, May 23, 2016

Are Senior Living Communities Male-Friendly?

Although the gap is closing, there is a seven year difference in the life expectancy of men and women. In senior living communities, there is a ratio of 7 women to every 1 man, making these communities much more geared toward females. However, because that gap is, indeed, closing, senior living communities will need to address the issue of more and more males becoming part of the resident roster.

Men approach aging and conflict differently than women do, so it’s important for loved ones and family members to approach the idea of in-home care and assisted living respectfully, and with full knowledge of male thought patterns. Throughout men’s lives, they are taught and expected to be in control, they are expected to have leadership qualities and to be fiercely independent. So, when the time comes for them to get some assistance, it can be harder on them than it is on women in the same situation.

If you are looking for assisted living for a senior man, there are some ways to help avoid him from being placed in an overly-feminine community. Although, it might seem to some like a 7:1 ratio would be to the man’s benefit, the reality is that the senior man needs to feel that the community gears itself to him, as well, and to his needs. 
  • Talk to senior men who already reside in a community that you are considering for important first-account feedback.
  • Talk to these senior men about activities they can do together and what the community offers that they find enjoyable.
  • During a tour, find out if there are any specific places where men can gather to socialize.
  • Talk to the activity director to find out if there are activities specifically geared toward men.
  • Find out if the community offers their male residents the opportunity to help out (this can help satisfy the male need for independence and leadership).
  • Only consider placement in a community where men are 20-25% or more of the population.

If you are interested in in-home care in Birmingham, Alabama, or other types of elderly assistance in the area, contact the Always Best Care local office at 205-874-9730 or email them at today for a free consultation. 

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